by Keith | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Subtitling 字幕, Transcription 謄寫
寫字幕通常很耗時間,更仔細的時間紀錄更是如此。以前不熟悉字幕工作的時候,常常開著影音檔案盯著一句句話的開始與結束時間點,之後一個個寫下來,用了很長時間才寫好一份SRT檔案。 這個方式實在太吃力,於是學了 Aegisub 程式。這個程式呈現對話的音檔波浪形狀,拉前拉後就可以確認一句句話的時間點,而且馬上可以寫字幕。直接寫謄寫當然可以很快,若不需要記錄時間的話。使用 Aegisub 程式固然拉長一些工作時間,但是成果包括對話時間紀錄與字幕,而且程式上可以直接產出SRT檔案,可謂一石二鳥。...
by Keith | May 22, 2020 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
Concentration is forever an issue of translator, editor and writer. If you need to handle a number of chores in one day, it is advisable that you take care of the miscellaneous matters before working on your project of the day. A good arrangement is to work three...
by Keith | May 15, 2020 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
The Man who Sold the World 〈典當世界的男人〉 Composed and Lyrics by David Bowie 詞曲:大衛鮑伊 We passed upon the stair We spoke of was and when Although I wasn’t there He said I was his friend 我們走過梯間 訴說起何時何地 縱使我不在那方 他說我是他朋友 Which came as a surprise I spoke into his eyes I...
by Keith | May 8, 2020 | Blog
廣告文案需要高度專注,而且需要用上很多時間。早晨時分我一般會重讀、修改前一天寫好的文案。午餐時間之後,我就在下午看資料、寫新文案,之後才能去游泳。 固定的時間表能給予寫作人需要的穩定度。你若常常東奔西跑、顛沛流離,你筆下的文案必定雜亂而且思想混淆。若是靈感閉塞,則可以提筆洋洋灑灑將想法寫在紙上。提筆寫字可以讓不必要與雜亂想法先流露出來,之後那些準確實用的概念就會慢慢化為文字。 若能非常專注,筆下的文案必定能站得沉穩、脫穎而出。 Copywriting requires a lot of concentration. And it...
by Keith | May 1, 2020 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
The coronavirus outbreak disrupted the world order. Many might find it stressful to read news about hiccups of food supplies, small and medium enterprises closed down due to lack of business activities and income, how people find it difficult to repay housing and car...
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