by Keith | Oct 25, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
張宇〈走樣〉 作詞:十一郎 作曲:張宇 編曲:MICHAEL THOMPSON Losing Shape by Phil Chang Lyrics by Shiyi Lang Composed by Phil Chang Arranged by Michael Thompson 我用著羨慕眼光 看著她 輕輕將外衣披在他肩上 那將要見底的杯 總是她 一回一回添滿 他們小小的恩愛 其實我 曾經在心裡千想萬盼 但在妳身上 我不敢勉強 (With my envious eyes, I saw her draping a jacket...
by Keith | Oct 18, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
A major takeaway from my own psychiatric reading this week is this: patients of bipolar disorder have to accept their bipolar condition, and they have to accept medication as part of the daily routine for the rest of their life. In other words, just as diabetes...
by Keith | Oct 11, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
最近正讀著英國作者Sarah Owen 和 Amanda Saunders 的《躁鬱症之終極指引》。這是我閱讀的第一本躁鬱症專書而且進度很慢,因為最近工作比較忙碌。 前面數十頁當中,我就已經一窺躁鬱症的徵狀,其中有些狀況其實跟邊緣型人格障礙蠻相似。兩者相似的病徵包括情緒病、抑鬱症。比起躁狂症狀,躁鬱症患者多數時候覺得抑鬱。這一點跟邊緣型人格障礙患者可能長年抑鬱的狀況有些類似。 以我初淺的精神科知識來說,兩者之間的明顯差異,就是邊緣型人格障礙患者害怕被拋離,以及常常呈現不合比例、不合理的怒憤。...
by Keith | Oct 4, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
A good working environment is essential to safeguard our mental health. Writers and translators owed it to themselves to create a comfortable and conducive working environment to produce quality work consistently. When you suffer from a lot of psychological pressure...
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