by Keith | Mar 26, 2021 | Blog, Editing 編輯校對, Translation 翻譯
Despite being a very important part of proofreading, spelling is an area of work which many businesses tend to overlook. Some do not know much about the differences between British and American spellings, and thus the mistake of presenting both types of spelling in...
by Keith | Mar 19, 2021 | Blog, Editing 編輯校對, Translation 翻譯
數週前我讀完了湯米湯姆斯的《我的故事:曠野中的正義》。那是農曆新年假期之前搶購到的新書。既然今年過年不能跨州而且慶祝也有所限制,這當然是好好讀書的好時機。湯姆斯是希望聯盟執政馬來西亞聯邦政府時期的總檢察長,任期是2018年6月至2020年2月。 這本書寫得很好,我讀的章節都是跳躍式,因為我對於自己對1957年至2021年的馬來西亞政治歷史很有信心,隨時讀一段歷史都不會覺得混亂和陌生。對於律師和其他有志於從事法律工作的人士而言,書中詳述很多案件的細節確實是很好的學習內容。...
by Keith | Mar 12, 2021 | Transcription 謄寫, Translation 翻譯
Just last month I was fortunate and proud to work on a project to transcribe Cantonese discussion between a doctor and a patient. The client requires me to transcribe the Cantonese content into English. The doctor and nurse answered the questions of the patient and a...
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