Good writing, good start 優良文章好開年

Good writing is the best way to better communicate with people around the world. Thankfully, the English materials that I read are of better standard. The pieces are grammatically correct and have accurate punctuation. Chinese materials that I came across are still...

About English style guide 英文格式

我們寫作的每個語文皆有格式,英文當然也不例外。英語國家各有各的格式,譯者和寫作人必須根據英美或澳洲各自的要求調整格式,香港與新加坡的格式也必須注意,尤其是接觸到政府或法庭文件的時候。 若不是正式文件,一般使用的格式我通常跟隨英國格式,尤其是TheWriter.com推薦的格式。他們的作者群經過商議之後確立了一套格式,除了讓文章看起來整齊專業,觀感上也符合美學標準。...

伍佰〈暴雨〉 Torrential Rain (WuBai)

伍佰〈暴雨〉 詞曲:伍佰 Torrential Rain by WuBai Lyrics and Composed by WuBai 到底妳還要下多久 從昨天深夜下到午後 像是快溺斃的野獸 狂暴的撞擊整個四週 (For how long it is going to rain; it has been raining from midnight to afternoon. It were as if a drowning beast ramming the surrounding violently.)...