by Keith | May 31, 2019 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得
一位朋友介紹我這支日本樂團 The Fin。他們是一支三人樂團,唱著英文歌毫無日本口音,音樂風格也很英國。若不為意,閣下或者誤以為他們是求學時代在英國或愛爾蘭長大的日裔青年。 若少年時期就在非英語系國家長大,想要培養這個風格就必須營造一個很英格蘭的生活環境。從早上醒來直至晚間就寢的時間,感官功能盡可能接觸所有英語元素:英國廣播公司BBC節目、澳洲ABC電台、美國的吉米法倫 (Jimmy Fallon) 和其他清談節目。多接觸說美式或英式英語的朋友,其實在臺北還蠻多的。另外,多閱讀英文書報亦可以讓英語風格更加根深蒂固。...
by Keith | May 24, 2019 | Blog, Transcription 謄寫
Transcript (Cantonese to English 粵譯英) Bot: Hello, everybody. Keith: Hello, everybody. Bot: Welcome back to our show and watch two bald men chatting. Keith: We still have some hair though. Bot: Our heads looked shining when the source of light comes from (the ceiling)...
by Keith | May 17, 2019 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得
很多人以為自己懂得幾個英文字母或詞彙就是等於懂英文,或者掌握了英文。這些破爛英語人士自視甚高,持著自己一口破爛英語就胡亂指責中港台日韓的民眾不懂英文。殊不知自己只不過是將華語/粵語/閩南語的表達方式與句型逐個套上英文字。 這個表達方式當然可笑,更可笑的是,很多人以為靠破爛英文可以為小孩的英文程度打好基礎。孩子多認識幾個英文單字倒是可以,打好基礎就說不上了。英語為母語的社會如英美加紐澳,閣下可曾見過人家需要說破爛英語給小朋友建立語文基礎?...
by Keith | May 10, 2019 | Blog, Transcription 謄寫
Transcript (Cantonese to English 粵譯英) Bot: Hello, good day. Keith: Hello, good day. Bot: Welcome back to our Random Talk programme. I have just added a tiny logo of Mo FM on the screen. Hope you don’t mind. Keith: Mo FM sounds okay though. Bot: I wanted to play...
by Keith | May 3, 2019 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得
Throughout the past ten years of my full-time translation work, I have been working on the language pair of Chinese into English most of the time. Other than my love for English language, perhaps it is also due to law of attraction – I read much more English materials...
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