by Keith | Sep 25, 2020 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得, Translation 翻譯
Singlish and Manglish speakers always say ‘can’, which is very confusing for many foreigners. In proper English, it means ‘sure’, ‘okay’, ‘it works’, ‘alright’. 星馬英語講者常常說can,外國人常常聽得一頭霧水。以正確英語來說,那個意思是...
by Keith | Sep 18, 2020 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得, Translation 翻譯
Singlish and Manglish have been confusing for many foreigners. In particular, the usage of ‘one’ among many Singaporean and Malaysian English speakers, who tend to add ‘one’ at the end of many sentences. This could be a direct translation from...
by Keith | Sep 11, 2020 | Blog, Editing 編輯校對, Translation 翻譯
翻譯或者寫文案總是需要校稿。文字功力若發揮得比較好,則第二天校稿祇需要將稿件讀一次就好了。若第一稿不是很有把握,則之後的校稿會比較辛苦,二校、三校亦不出奇。 校稿亦講究時機。若是檢查文件,我最佳的時機是上午時段。由於睡醒之後的思路比較清晰,這個時候校訂自己前一天譯或寫的文字,總是比較容易找到錯誤並且選用比較好的文字。有些急件必須早上寫完,中午、下午時間交稿,則可以趁午睡之後審稿。 當然,有些文件譯完就馬上交,則必須確保譯和審都頭腦清晰,才能應付十萬火急的商業文案。 Translation and copywriting...
by Keith | Sep 4, 2020 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得, Translation 翻譯
We are readers before we can become writers. Reading is the best way to learn how other writers express their ideas, and it allows us to gain knowledge and wisdom of good writers. Given the change of modern time, writing is presented in many forms. Other than printed...
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