


Many thought knowing several vocabularies or English alphabets means proficiency in English, or they thought they have already mastered the language. Broken English speakers see highly of themselves and often accused individuals from East Asia – mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea – for their poor English proficiency.

Little did they know, when they accused others, their level of ‘proficiency’ is merely inserting simple English words directly from sentence structure and expression of Mandarin / Cantonese / Hokkien.

Needless to say, this is a very hilarious style of expression. More hilarious is that they thought speaking broken English is the method to lay a good foundation for their children to master English. It is true that you can teach them some vocabularies; it is perhaps hard to build a foundation. Do native speakers in UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand speak broken English so that their children better master the language as they grow up?

I insist to speak standard English when I am teaching Singapore English to my friends’ children. I don’t mind my Cantonese accent; I care more about clear expression, accurate wording and correct grammar.

Those who don’t know English might accuse you of ‘speaking England’. Humans look forward to surpassing themselves, while water always flows downward, as the Chinese saying goes.

How do I improve myself, when I speak English and refuse to learn from the style of good speakers from England / US / Australia?