by Keith | Nov 29, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
上兩週收到澳洲翻譯協會電郵,我申請的認證更新獲得批准,所以中譯英認證翻譯師資格將持續至2022年11月。我當然覺得開心,畢竟過去數年我也投入了一些心力準備更新認證。 翻譯行業很難監管。以全世界的情況來說,我認為澳洲翻譯協會應該是管理得最好。英國與美國也有翻譯師認證制度,但我既然持有澳洲資格,那麼專心處理一個就夠了。每三年一次的更新除了每年必須達到一定翻譯字數之外,譯者也必須上過一些課程,例如英文與你翻譯原文以外的外語課、翻譯與語文相關的課程、專業操守相關課程、開拓新領域的課程。...
by Keith | Nov 22, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
黃貫中〈香港晚安〉 作曲:黃貫中 填詞:劉卓輝 編曲:張亞東 Good Night Hong Kong by Paul Wong Composed by Paul Wong Lyrics by Gene Lau Arranged by Zhang Yadong 浮躁的光輝不夜城 總有人來來往往 仍那麼擠擁的路程 一個人迷迷惘惘 (In impetuous, glorious overnight city, urbanites are always walking around. The road is still...
by Keith | Nov 15, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
Source: I heard that a teenager was admitted to hospital due to shrinking amygdala. As far as my limited psychiatric knowledge is concerned, shrinking amygdala means the patient is likely to find it...
by Keith | Nov 8, 2019 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得, Subtitling 字幕, Translation 翻譯
有時候接到英譯中字幕翻譯,由於平日少讀中文書,翻譯字幕的時候可能用上長一些時間。好在我這幾年有空也會讀一讀亦舒、蔡瀾的閒書,將那一套簡單直接的中文搬上用場,其實還蠻好用的。難怪香港詞人林夕、黃偉文封亦舒為師太,導演谷德昭也很欣賞她。 何以平日少讀中文書?說來實在可悲,大學畢業以來,好像沒看過幾本中文寫得好的書,我多數只讀港台出版的正體中文書,中文很好的作者也寥寥可數。...
by Keith | Nov 1, 2019 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得
After reading Bipolar Disorder – the Ultimate Guide, a psychiatric book published in the UK, I flipped through some relaxing books. One of them, prose collection Yet to be Found by Yi Shu. One of the short pieces recalled of her junior high school years in British...
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