by Keith | Jul 31, 2020 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得, Subtitling 字幕, Transcription 謄寫, Translation 翻譯
粵語中「水」字的應用非常靈活,除了跟錢財相關的用法之外,生活中其他表達方式亦是非常生動敏銳。 The usage of the word ‘water’ is very flexible in Cantonese language. It is widely used for expressions related to money, as well as some very lively and apt descriptions of some situations of our daily life. 睇水:觀察形勢、以防萬一...
by Keith | Jul 24, 2020 | Blog, Language Learning 語文心得, Subtitling 字幕, Transcription 謄寫, Translation 翻譯
粵語是一個生動有趣、詼諧抵死的語言,很多表達方式並非書面中文可以直接傳達得出來。其中,水的應用方式亦是非常豐富,在此憑記憶細數一番。此篇記錄跟錢有關的說法。 Cantonese is a very interesting and sarcastic language. Many of its expressions can hardly have equivalent terms and phrases in written Chinese. Among others, ‘water’ (水, seoi2)...
by Keith | Jul 10, 2020 | Blog, Subtitling 字幕, Transcription 謄寫
字幕排版是一個相當兩極的工作,你可能很喜歡,也可能因為其重複工序而覺得煩躁。值得慶幸的是,字幕排版也可以很自在,若使用對的方法的話。 首先,影片必須先剪接好才謄寫字幕。先將中英文字句一句句謄寫出來,每一行的字數當作是直接上字幕的用字而且不要超過限制字數,就可以很快謄寫完畢。之後再將寫好的字句上載到字幕程式。我常常準備兩個字幕檔案也就是.ass和.srt檔案,客戶可以隨時使用。...
by Keith | Jul 3, 2020 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
Murakami’s work time arrangement is high effective; he works three hours at one go in the morning, afternoon, and evening. If my memory serves me right, I once read his works detailing his time arrangement to write his own fiction during daytime, and translate...
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