by Keith | Sep 27, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
張宇〈猜心〉 作詞:十一郎 作曲:張宇 編曲:盧志銘 Heart Guessing by Phil Chang Lyrics by Shiyi Lang Composed by Phil Chang Arranged by Lu Chih-ming 四方屋裡 什麼都沒有 只有被你關進來的落寞 你在牆角獨坐 心情的起落 我無法猜透 (The cubic house has nothing, but the loneliness you entrapped. You sat alone in the corner. The ups...
by Keith | Sep 20, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
〈一天到晚游泳的魚〉 作詞:許常德 作曲:陳復明 Swimming Fish Lyrics by Adam Hsu Composed by Chen Fu-ming Sung by Tom Chang 情願困在你懷中 困在你溫柔 不想一個人寂寞 無邊飄泊 就像魚兒水裡游 你的心河流向我 不眠不休的追求 (I would rather being trapped in your arms, your tenderness. I wouldn’t want to be alone and drift endlessly....
by Keith | Sep 13, 2019 | Blog, Transcription 謄寫
譯者不應該高估一日的工作量,謄寫工作尤其需要小心。表面上來看,一日之內謄寫40至60分鐘的清晰錄音或錄影檔案或者辦得到。 如果工作八至十小時,閣下或可以寫完所有字句。若客戶要求非常仔細的時間碼紀錄,例如每一句或每一個講者的時間碼紀錄,大概還需要三至四小時。若將工作分開兩天完成,大概是相當安全的安排,除非你有足夠耐心一整天只處理同一個案子。 更安全的工作安排就是連續兩天謄寫30分鐘的錄音檔,第三天才寫時間碼紀錄。第一天謄寫40分鐘的檔案,第二天再寫20分鐘加上時間碼,亦是行得通。 Translators should not...
by Keith | Sep 6, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
The estimation of translation word count per day varies according to language pairs. If it is Chinese to English and the contents are not scientific or medical, my word count can reach 2,000 words per working day. For novel or subtitle translation, translating 3,000...
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