Learn Aussie English from snake catcher 捕蛇達人教澳洲英文

這麼多年以來,我都是偏愛英國口音,第二位就是澳洲口音。美國朋友也同意我的觀點,她說英國口音最好聽,澳洲口音則是最可愛,美國口音算是平平無奇。 澳洲人說自己的口音就是懶音,反正就是很輕鬆的口吻說英語。我常常必須很集中精神聽澳洲人說的英語,電台節目若有接聽眾電話,他們不同的口音其實相當有趣。 這位捕蛇達人Stuart Mckenzie 的專訪很有趣,一邊聽一邊看英文字幕,肯定有收穫。 British pronunciation has been my favourite for all these years. And...

Translator’s stamina 譯者持久力

Translation is a tough job. Some translators have to deal with a range of 1,500 to 2,000 words in one working day. During peak season or when you have too much on your plate, you might have to translate 3,000 to 5,000 words a day. Working from morning until midnight...

About engineering translation 也談工程翻譯
