by Keith | Jul 19, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
Recently I am reading Lyrics, Painting and Life, a book written by veteran Cantonese lyricist Cheng Kwok Kong. I am not very familiar with his lyrics but I still respect him a lot. I would have given up teaching, if I were to keep an education officer’s job and...
by Keith | Jul 12, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
剛剛讀完鄭秀文十年前出版的《值得》,書中收錄她的專欄文章,亦憶述她戰勝抑鬱症的過程。 讀過這本書才知道她的文學啟蒙是歌德《少年維特的煩惱》。她說讀過歌德就從此陷入了文學世界,常常讀書讀得廢寢忘餐、通宵達旦。熟悉鄭秀文的歌迷也許知道,她曾經沉澱兩年,這本書亦有提及。她透過文章探討自己以往不斷追求完美的過程導致自己抑鬱,以及其後如何自己寫專欄、讀書、信教而讓自己走出情緒困擾。...
by Keith | Jul 5, 2019 | Blog, Transcription 謄寫
Disclaimer As consulted with the Commercial Radio of Hong Kong (香港商業電臺, this Cantonese to English transcription of the interview does not breach copyright law. Interviewers: Stephen Chan (陳志雲), Ken Kwok (郭志仁), and Chan Chung (陳聰) (transliterated)....
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