by Keith | Jun 28, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
〈吶喊〉 作詞:周博賢 作曲:Simon Whitfield / 莊依靜@音揚人 編曲:Simon Whitfield / 莊依靜@音揚人 監製:周博賢 Yelling by Kay Tse Lyrics & Produced by Adrian Chow Melody & Composed by Simon Whitfield / 莊依靜@音揚人 曾是繁盛 曾經蕭條 曾是自信 曾經心怯動搖 曾是迷路 曾得感召 曾患病了 曾得深切治療 Hey 命有汐潮 (It was once thriving; it was...
by Keith | Jun 21, 2019 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
〈節外生枝〉 作詞:黃偉文 作曲:Kim 蕭金鳳 Exploring Unexpectedly by Kay Tse Lyrics by Wyman Wong Melody by Kim Shiu 害怕 十個月後再 沒路徑可回頭 害怕 但是我卻未後悔 這是我所尋求 就像某某 情願放低事業去旅遊 半路有 大狀轉做賽艇手 (Fretting, for turning back is out of the picture ten months from now. Fretting, but yet to regret it – for...
by Keith | Jun 14, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
澳洲總理莫里森宣佈將撥款280萬澳幣資助 batyr Australia 推廣校本的精神健康計劃。根據估計,全澳洲每四個16至24歲的年輕人當中,就有一人的精神健康受到困擾。batyr Australia網站上的標語是「讓室內的大象發聲」,目標鼓勵年輕人以積極正面態度討論精神健康相關課題。 在我看來,澳洲這項善舉當然值得其他地方效法,尤其是相當忌諱討論精神問題的亞洲社會。即便是醫療最先進的日韓新港台,大家討論精神科相關疾病時多少也有些避忌,畢竟這是多年以來累積下來的習慣,漸漸也似乎變成了禁忌。...
by Keith | Jun 7, 2019 | Blog, Psychiatric Rantings 精神科所思所想
Vicissitudes of life have led me to learn more about psychiatric topics, particularly Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The most stigmatized and misunderstood disorder troubled many patients who are undiagnosed and untreated. Many case studies also pointed out...
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