by Keith | Jun 26, 2020 | Blog, Translation 翻譯
村上春樹是我很欣賞的小說家,雖然後面幾部作品都沒讀了,但我還是非常欣賞他作為寫作人、翻譯家的精神與態度。村上與太太長期在日本與美國之間各居住半年,去到哪裡就堅持寫到哪裡的工作態度,可以說是對我影響深遠。 其實真正的寫作人、翻譯家不論去到哪裡,祇要有可以辦公的桌子,應當是可以馬上洋洋灑灑開始文字作業。背後的功力,當然是靠平日多讀書、多涉獵不同領域知識,下筆處理不同內容方能融會貫通。...
by Keith | Jun 19, 2020 | Blog, Editing 編輯校對, Translation 翻譯
Writing is never easy, if you are writing for a living. I am fortunate to be making a living by working on copywriting, translation, transcription, subtitling and editing. Given the variety and genre of business documents, I have to always keep reading to gain more...
by Keith | Jun 12, 2020 | Blog
今後都是網路與列印廣告文案相當蓬勃的時候,文案創作人因此擁有更多機會處理更多案子。 就我個人而言,撰寫文案的每一個機會,我都很珍惜。我對自己的要求就是為文案設定一個可敬、自重的調子。簡單來說,我會選用比較優雅、有尊嚴的文字。 有些作者下筆寫一些很破爛的文字,彷彿他們的讀者都是沒有尊嚴的文盲。語文與寫作人一旦淪落到把讀者當作笨蛋而寫很低等的文字,這個語文與文字祇會招來識字者的鄙視與厭惡。 This is a time when many businesses have to come up with online and...
by Keith | Jun 5, 2020 | Blog
I have been using free software such as Libre Office for quite a long time. When viewing Microsoft Word files using Libre Office, the files are stable most of the time. Not quite the case when the Word files contain tables and formats. In other word, free software can...
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