Despite being a very important part of proofreading, spelling is an area of work which many businesses tend to overlook. Some do not know much about the differences between British and American spellings, and thus the mistake of presenting both types of spelling in the same document/book.

The differences are aplenty: digitalisation/digitalization; digitise/digitize; colour/color; licence/license; defence/defense; football/soccer; minimisation/minimization; minimise/minimize; minimising/minimizing; criticise/criticize; metre/meter; centimetre/centimeter; millimetre/millimeter; favour/favor; favourite/favorite; judgement/judgment; counsellor/counselor; aesthetics/esthetics; victimise/victimize; victimisation/victimization; victimising/victimizing; emphasise/emphasize; emphasisng/emphasizing; paediatrics/pediatrics; gynaecology/gynecology.

And many more. I find some books to be mixing both types of spelling. This is apparently a lack of one last step from the editor to proofread the spellings to make sure the wording is strictly following either British or American spelling.

Write to me if you need my proofreading input:



