


I have been working as a translator for more than ten years. Most of the time I am translating Chinese into English and I have translated many different types of articles. I found out that modern Chinese-language articles usually come with poor expression skills. Those long-winded articles lumped lots of nouns together in one lengthy paragraph with lots of commas before coming to a full stop.

To deal with such articles, I usually adopt a transcreation strategy. Before I can translate into a good English piece, I have to understand the main points of the Chinese original text, and arrange the points in proper order. The reason for going through these procedures is that English is a rational language. If I foolishly follow the style of modern Chinese writing and present it in English, that translated article would be hilarious.

Editing; adding necessary or eliminating unnecessary words; and present in my translated text the words which the original text wanted to express but omitted. I have to always make sure that my translated pieces are of the level of standard English pieces. This is how I spur myself on to achieve a good transcreation standard.