
I heard that a teenager was admitted to hospital due to shrinking amygdala. As far as my limited psychiatric knowledge is concerned, shrinking amygdala means the patient is likely to find it hard to control emotion. Irregular and intense emotion is a telling sign of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

Many BPD patients experienced neglect or abuse by parents or main carers during childhood and the growth of their amygdala was limited due to extreme shock. As they reach adulthood, their amygdala is eight per cent smaller than normal adults. It is the gap of eight per cent that creates the difficulty for them to emotionally control themselves.

On, some writers wrote that they witnessed persons with BPD swinging between the moods of happy, angry, sad and joy within five minutes. Another account is that some BPD patients could experience extreme mood swings for five to six times a day, or 11 to 12 times on very emotionally unstable days. Some BPD patients admitted on the forum that they feel angry about themselves every passing minute and second.

A miss is as good as a mile; the size of amygdala has perhaps explained the saying.



美國論壇 Quora.com有些作者說自己見過邊緣型人格障礙患者於5分鐘之內歷經喜、怒、哀、樂的情緒極度擺盪狀態,另外一說則是患者可以一天之內少則情緒波動5至6次,多則11至12次。有些患者寫經歷坦承分秒都對自己覺得憤怒。
