After graduation from NTNU, I have been reading English books of a wide variety of genres. Several years back I enjoyed reading Jeffrey Archer, particularly the Clifton Chronicles. Before Jeffrey Archer, I was reading Haruki Murakami novels and John Simmons’s books on creative writing.

Reading is a journey of one’s intellectual growth and it protects our brain from deteriorating. Perhaps I have surpassed the stage of reading the works of Murakami and Simmons. They still produce great writings – but I am not as ‘into it’ as I was before.

Contrarily, I miss the works of Anthony Seldon – the guru of Blairism. His works about Tony Blair were spectacular – especially Blair Unbound. I am also very interested to read his insights about Gordon Brown and David Cameron, succeeding prime ministers after Tony Blair.

For the past few months I have been reading U.S.-published psychiatric books – particularly, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Those books are very interesting and I am planning to delve into Bipolar Disorder (BD); Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD); and co-dependency.

Before learning more about other mental illnesses, I would like to return to the works of Seldon and Archer.

Too little time for so many interesting books – is perhaps the longtime conundrum of a keen reader.



我反而更想念安東尼謝爾頓的作品,英國學界尊稱他為「布萊爾主義」的大師。他筆下有關布萊爾的作品非常精彩,尤其是《Blair Unbound》。布萊爾之後的英國首相是白高敦和卡梅倫,謝爾頓亦著有專書,我非常感興趣。


