美國作者 Malcolm Gladwell 寫的《以小勝大》(David and Goliath) 書中提到,做人最好有一些困境、有一些挑戰,這樣才能變得更強大、更有能力。這個理論放在寫作人的工作上,亦是成立。



American writer Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath mentioned that we should have desirable difficulties to become a stronger and more capable person. This theory also makes sense for a writer’s job.

If a writer is complacent and slackening off, they might be reading books below their standard. And this would translate into their failure to achieve a breakthrough in writing.

Contrarily, if a writer is always challenging himself to read books slightly above his standard, he would be able to expand his knowledge base and polish his writing skills.

When I am taking up a larger translation or copywriting project, it has become my routine to read good books published in UK and US, or at least, read The Guardian UK and Australia websites. Listening to English-language podcasts is also a good way to learn more.

Learn from good writers and speakers, have a good warm-up, I would then find my Chinese to English translation work to be very smooth and my copywriting to be surrounded by flow of new ideas.