


Translation and copywriting require proofreading. If you have good writing skills, you might be able to submit your documents after proofreading for one time. If you are not very sure about your first draft, your proofreading would require more effort. And second and third time of proofreading are common.

Proofreading requires timing. My best timing is morning session when it comes to checking my own works. Thanks to the clear mind after a good night’s rest, I find it easier to identify my own mistakes and select better wording when proofreading translation pieces and copies written the day before. For documents that need to be done in morning and submitted in the afternoon, it is good to run a proofreading check after an afternoon nap.

Of course, some documents need to be submitted immediately after translation. In that case, I have to make sure I have a clear mind during translation / writing and proofreading stages. This is how I deal with very urgent business documents.