1. 句中句末不出句號
No full stop in the middle or the end of a sentence.
2. 字幕檔案完全不出半型或全型句號
The SRT file shows no half-width or full-width full stop at all.
3. 逗號頓號問號感嘆號,一律使用全型
Full-width setting for comma, question mark and exclamation mark.
4. 句中可寫逗號,句末留白不寫句號逗號頓號
A comma can appear in the middle of a sentence. Leave it blank at end of sentence: no full stop nor comma.
5. 句末只能留白,至多寫問號或感嘆號
Leave it blank at end of sentence, only question mark or exclamation mark can appear occasionally.
6. 完全不出逗號句號亦可,靠半型空格或斷句將各個句子分隔開來:
No comma at all is also workable. Separate the sentences for clear expression.
一行 One-line:
他自以為很厲害 結果一上球場就自曝其短
He thought he was great, but exposed his weaknesses on the field.
兩行 Two-line:
He thought he was great
But exposed his weaknesses on the field
7. 講者說的華語/粵語/閩南語/客語/上海話/四川話/或其他語言,一律寫成書面中文
Whether the speaker speaks Mandarin / Cantonese / Taiwanese Hokkien / Hakka / Shanghainese / Sichuanese / other language, do present in Written Chinese.
8. 盡可能不要寫英文,講者說New York就寫紐約
Avoid writing English for as much as possible. Write Chinese name when speaker mentions New York.
9. 口語中文轉化為盡量寫入書面中文,不以「我手寫我口」方式處理
Always rewrite spoken Chinese into Written Chinese. Do not write word by word exactly what they say.
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