Malaysia Certified Translation 馬來西亞認證翻譯
Why shouldn’t you say lì mǎ? 您還說「立馬」?
Perhaps it has been a decade or so since the term ‘lì mǎ’ (ㄌㄧˋㄇㄚˇ)(立馬) became popular among younger Mandarin speakers. A discussion with my NTNU professor led us to come to the conclusion that young people tend to find proper terms to be opaque and ‘not cool’. The...
譯審文件直接派上用場 Translation + copy-editing works directly for business use
Some clients complained to me that they used to hire translators whose translated works were inconsistent in terms of quality. The first half might be fine, but the second half seemed to be somebody else’s work. Some said they felt they were cheated because the...
粵語探究之九 Explore Cantonese 9
81. Cantonese: 甩 (lat1) English: Falling down Written Chinese: 脫落、掉落 82. Cantonese: 甩咳、甩甩咳咳 (lat1 kat1, lat1 lat1 kat1 kat1) English: Stammering, hemming and hawing Written Chinese: 吞吞吐吐、支支吾吾 83. Cantonese: 甩轆 (lat1 luk1) English: Wheels off track, literally means...
粵語探究之八 Explore Cantonese 8
71. Cantonese: 扭扭擰擰 (nau2 nau2 ning6 ning6) (More commonly, nau2 nau2 ling6 ling6) English: Handling things hesitantly, literally twisting from side to side. Written Chinese: 扭扭捏捏 72. Cantonese: 運滯 (wan6 zai6 ) English: Lack of luck, as if stuck in one place and...
Subtitling for businesses 商業類字幕撰寫
During the transition from pandemic to endemic, businesses are also learning to adapt to the changes in business environment. I believe that webinar is one of the things that is likely to stay even during endemic phase. It saves travel cost and thus reduces carbon...
Transcribing for court documents 法院文件謄寫
各地法院審理各式各樣的民事與刑事案件,控方或被告若想將錄影或錄音檔案作為入稟法院的證據,則一定要將檔案轉化為文字文件(transcripts)方能受理,因為你不可能要求雙方律師和審理法官耗一堆時間聽雙方爭論的錄音檔。 案件的糾紛千奇百怪,離婚、商業糾紛、合夥人股權爭議、財產繼承權,大概天下想得到的事情都可以大吵特吵一番,涉案人可以將重要的雙方對話錄音轉化為文字文件以方便律師與法院審理。...
Speaking with an accent 也談口音
When we speak a language, it is almost certain that we have an accent. If English is not our first language, it is likely that we speak English with an accent of our first language. In my case, it is always Cantonese-accented English. Wherever I go, when I strike up a...
粵語探究之七 Explore Cantonese 7
61. Cantonese: 兜口兜面 (dau1 hau2 dau1 min6) English: Straight in your face Written Chinese: 當著你面前 62. Cantonese: 手指指 (sau2 zi2 zi2) English: Pointing fingers Written Chinese: 指手畫腳 63. Cantonese: 郁手郁腳 (juk1sau2 juk1 goek3) English: Thrusting and kicking Written Chinese:...
粵語探究之六 Explore Cantonese 6
51. Cantonese: 任你嗡 (jam6 nei5 ngap) English: Let you blabber / Citing randomly Written Chinese: 任你亂說/隨你亂說 52. Cantonese: 有景轟 (jau5 ging2 gwang2) 正寫:有輘輷 (ㄌㄥˊ ㄏㄨㄥ) (léng hōng) English: Something fishy Written Chinese: 事有蹊蹺 Malay: Ada udang di sebalik batu 53. Cantonese:...