(Transformation of Wild Silkworm
Lyrics: Jimmy Lo
Melody: Michael Lai Siu-tin
Sung by Michael Kwan)
獨自在山坡 高處未算高
命運在冷笑 暗示前無路
浮雲遊身邊 發出警告
(Walking up the mountain slope, there is always greater height.
Fate grins, forewarns a dead end.
The clouds float around to issue a warning.
Disregard, I walk and hold my head high.)
雖知此山頭 猛虎滿佈
膽小非英雄 決不願停步
冷眼對血路 寂寞是命途
明月映山崗 倍覺孤高
(Knowing this mountain is full of fierce tigers,
But cowards are no heroes; I simply refuse to halt my steps.
Indifferently looking at the pathway full of sweat and blood:
I knew solitude is my predestined fate.
I feel stronger arrogance when the bright moon shines on the mound.)
拋開愛慕 飽遭煎熬 早知代價高
絲方吐盡 繭中天蠶 必須破籠牢
(Forget about intimacy, I’m willing to suffer,
for I knew the price is hefty.
Finished spinning its silk,
a wild silkworm trapped in its own cocoon
has to break the shackles.)
一生稱英雄 永不信命數
經得起波濤 更感自傲
抹去了眼淚 背上了憤怒
讓我攀險峰 再與天比高
(A triumphant hero my whole life, I do not believe in destiny.
I take more pride in riding the wave.
Shrug the tears and shoulder the anger.
I’ll climb the steep peak and reach greater height.)
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