I went for a short trip last weekend and I brought my old Acer laptop along so that I could work whenever I found the time. The laptop was bought in 2009 and it was unstable in the first few years. In 2013 I replaced a new hard-disk and reformatted it once every few years. And it was stabilized.
I thought the old laptop could help with my work. But it wasn’t. The wireless connection was disconnected and the laptop misread the signal from my bluetooth keyboard. When I said ‘misread’, I refer to the situation when I moved my index finger on the touchpad and the laptop thought that I was zooming in and out.
It was such a headache. I had no choice but to stop working as I had to log onto my client’s work site to do my translation work. I was at my friends’ cafe and they lent me a bluetooth mouse. The webpages became stable and the moving around of the mouse was not misread as zooming in and out.
I still worry if new problems arise even after I get a new mouse for the old laptop.
Hong Kong writer Chua Lam (蔡瀾) always said that putting pen to paper is always the most reliable work style for writers. Which I couldn’t agree more.
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